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The Stoney Point Baptist Church Family along with our pastor, Edward L. Thrasher welcomes you to our website! We are so excited that you decided to visit us!

If you’re visiting us for the first time, we’ve provided answers to some of your questions about SPBC that we think will be most helpful to you. We invite you to explore our website as you uncover the activities, worship services, and Christian Education programs for everyone. The genuine concern for the welfare of God’s people is reflective in everything we do.

Our prayer is that you will be blessed and strengthened by the power of Jesus, and that you will live a life of abundance in fellowship, joy, and liberty. SPBC is here for you. It is not just a church; it is a fellowship of believers coming together to declare the glory of God, and to celebrate Jesus as Lord. We study the Word, practice what we learn, and in the process grow together. May God richly bless you and keep you!